Thank you to the many Councils and individuals that expressed interest in presenting at the Local Government NetZero Roundtable. We have decided to reschedule the NetZero Roundtable to 21-22 March 2023 so we can fill the program with more presentations from NetZero Councils.
The Roundtable is designed to fast track council and community progress towards NetZero by promoting successful sustainability initiatives.
We anticipate the program will be released at the end of November. If you’re interested in presenting at the Roundtable or attending, please let us know.
We are expecting Council/commercial presenters to cover their own cost – travel, accommodation and discounted registration. Several community groups have expressed interest in attending and presenting, and we are talking to our commercial partners about assisting them with their costs.
This event is not a typical conference where the presenters fly in, present and fly out. The Roundtable is more about having thought leaders in the room over two days to discuss and share:
- what has worked and what could be improved; and
- what are the right policy settings and incentives going forward.
Over the two days, the Roundtable will contribute to the collective knowledge/wisdom on NetZero of:
- thought leaders with their presentations and panel discussion; and
- delegates in attendance with their Q&A and panel discussion.
Those attending the Roundtable will benefit from an immersive environment with likeminded peers exploring the best way forward and thinking about tackling local NetZero challenges.
The material presented during the Roundtable will be captured in a NetZero Resource that will be shared with the Local Government sector.
On the Thursday, following the Roundtable, we proposed to arrange a time with Ministerial and Departmental representatives from Local Government and Climate Change to discuss with them the Roundtable outcomes and future directions.