The Local Government NetZero Roundtable is a series of online forums.
The first online forum was held on Wednesday 3rd May 2023. The theme was “Planning for NetZero”.

Gillian Smith, Coordinator Sustainability Policy, Sunshine Coast Council
With the recent finalisation and release of the Sunshine Coast Council Organisational Zero Net Emissions Plan 2022, Gillian’s presentation will provide valuable insights into Planning for NetZero.

Wayne Wescott, Chief Executive Officer, Greenfleet
Having worked in climate action for 30 years with many organisations (including the City of Port Phillip, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the Green Building Council Australia and the Bicycle Network), Wayne’s presentation will focus on the “what, why and how” of carbon offsets.

Michael Courtney, Managing Director, CT Management Group
A Net Zero Framework for the Local Government sector will assist councils to reduce carbon emissions locally and facilitate a positive response across the sector. Michael’s presentation will explore establishing a baseline, setting a target, developing a strategy, engaging stakeholders and monitoring progress.